Yes, we are a mess, however; I posit IPeter4:8, “Above all keep fervent in your love for one another, because love covers a multitude of sins.” Not that this can be said or done lightly, or can be one sided. A wise minister once told a Sunday School class of young adults not to enter into relationships expecting someone to make their life wonderful, but because they wanted to make the other persons life wonderful.

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Thank you so much, Nancy, for your very helpful comment. I will spring from it with a different comment sparked by yours, but not necessarily in opposition to it. The purpose is to actually deepen the conversation and invite others to reflect and comment as well.

Yes, I can, in love cover the sins of others, and at one level, as you point out, I am called to do so. But there is a difference between covering, which might imply intercessory prayer as well as other forms of specific aid and, on the other hand, “covering up” for another. This is tricky and complex and placed into the context of church life it can actually sow division rather than unity.

This is where my comment at the end about anonymous recovery groups being a useful method where deeper personal work can be accomplished in private can be of great help. Unfortunately, many within a church background have only considered church community options.

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