An excellent post and in my opinion very timely. When you google Glen Beck, it is amazing how an opinion such as this is now labelled under "conspiracy theorist", in order to try and discredit the message. As "doctors" what happened to our ability to think critically and ask ourselves questions that may make us uncomfortable in the process. Why is Christianity or faith so scary for so many? I live in the city of Arthur Pawloski and watching how the media and police treated him has been eye opening.
The more things seem to be unraveling, the more of the original ravel (knot) we are able to see. I think Beck's point at the end of his presentation is correct - that those who have faith in God are not afraid of man and so cannot be coerced to the extent that others can. Is this always the case? No, but I think the reason for this has to do with the stage of faith development each one of us may be at when we are tested. Trust in God deepens overtime, usually as it is tested and found to be a sure foundation upon which to both stand and rest. I plan to write more about this as it is personally affecting me in the days and weeks to come. Thanks for you input.
Too many lines in the sand have already been crossed. As a nation we have become a shining example of Edmund Burke’s oft repeated saying, “All that is necessary for evil to succeed is for good men to do nothing.” Too many, a lot of Christians included, go along to get along out of apathy or fear. In my opinion that is antithetical to the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Thank you for posting. This is a great presentation by Glenn Beck and easy to follow. I agree his point at the end is correct.
"Be strong and courageous, do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go."
I'm glad you watched it all the way through.
Very true, hits too close to home, and very scary
Especially where children are involved. So hard to protect them from all this evil.
No argument there.
An excellent post and in my opinion very timely. When you google Glen Beck, it is amazing how an opinion such as this is now labelled under "conspiracy theorist", in order to try and discredit the message. As "doctors" what happened to our ability to think critically and ask ourselves questions that may make us uncomfortable in the process. Why is Christianity or faith so scary for so many? I live in the city of Arthur Pawloski and watching how the media and police treated him has been eye opening.
The more things seem to be unraveling, the more of the original ravel (knot) we are able to see. I think Beck's point at the end of his presentation is correct - that those who have faith in God are not afraid of man and so cannot be coerced to the extent that others can. Is this always the case? No, but I think the reason for this has to do with the stage of faith development each one of us may be at when we are tested. Trust in God deepens overtime, usually as it is tested and found to be a sure foundation upon which to both stand and rest. I plan to write more about this as it is personally affecting me in the days and weeks to come. Thanks for you input.
Too many lines in the sand have already been crossed. As a nation we have become a shining example of Edmund Burke’s oft repeated saying, “All that is necessary for evil to succeed is for good men to do nothing.” Too many, a lot of Christians included, go along to get along out of apathy or fear. In my opinion that is antithetical to the gospel of Jesus Christ.