If fear was removed from our senses......what sense would take it's place ? I wonder if there is one.

I reflect how fearful thoughts are my answer to what the future holds. Yes...... the future span of less than 60 seconds but are completely consuming none the less. My instinctual reaction rules the day.

I rejoice in times when I rejected my instinct to flee and cover. My fear was ultimately just a rusty hinge retarding the door to be opened. Yes....I have lessons learned from pushing open the door and experiencing what lay beyond. I wish I had pushed harder, earlier.

Replace fear with confidence. Now comes the hard part.

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The absence of fear I would think is peace, rest, hope, joy, fun, curiosity, courage, and as you stated, confidence. Add to this trust.

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This particular verse had a very big impact on my life. For the longest time I didn't realize that shyness was focusing on oneself. After reading this verse , I realized where fear really comes from. It helped me to turn to the Lord and rest in Him.

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Great testimony! Thanks.

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