When a Good Seed Sticks
Making excuses for bad behavior pushes back the necessary steps toward recovery.
In a meeting I frequently attend one of my friends spoke about seeds.
He told us that just coming and sitting and listening opens up the possibility for a good seed to stick.
Later the seed sprouts and grows eventually bearing fruit.
When this happens it is often difficult, if not impossible, to trace the successful outcome back to the original seeds that, for some reason, started the whole thing.
Of course this idea about seeds is familiar to many.
It is the parable Jesus told about the sower who scattered seeds which then fell onto different soils.
One soil was prepared to receive the seed. It had been weeded, tilled, and fertilized followed later by watering and protection from seed eating birds.
Other locations where the seeds landed were not prepared and so nothing good came from the same exact seed.
This takes me back to recent posts having to do with practice and routines. To me this is soil and soul preparation. It is the daily disciplines that then allow good seeds to stick.
And what are seeds?
They are words of life, truth, correction, and encouragement, that in time grow to fruit bearing levels. It is usually slower than we expect and probably faster than we deserve.
And at the deepest level, it explains why Jesus is called The Word. To me he is the ultimate life changing seed.