The human being is born completely helpless and it takes years for him or her to figure out who he or she is.
This makes children extraordinarily vulnerable to suggestions.
Begin telling a child that she is worthless at age three and her entire future life is derailed.
Is it hopeless?
No, but recovery will be costly, not just in money and time spent but in lost opportunity costs.
It is critical to raise healthy children for their own sake but also for the sake of societal health.
What isn’t clear at this point is how many children today will grow up at least as healthy and happy as their parents and grandparents?
And what do children need most?
Healthy parents.
And what do healthy parents look like?
They have the ability to love sacrificially for the sake of their children.
This is what children need in order to grow up correctly.
Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.