Understanding is the reward of faith.
Therefore, seek not to understand that thou mayest believe, but believe that thou mayest understand.
Saint Augustine of Hippo
Walking by faith seems too out of control, too insane to be good advice. Instead the best way, secularist might say, is to run tests, conduct focus groups, and take surveys, before committing to going in one direction or another.
The problem with living the controlled and calculated life, besides the fact it can’t be done, is that it always seems to lead us away from joy.
It shouldn’t be this way I know.
It’s illogical.
But when I decide to walk by faith, trusting in God’s promises as I understand them, rather than playing best odds and trying not to fail, I inevitably discover that interesting unexpected things start happening. In a way hard to explain, God shows up and does his thing — things frankly, I would never have predicted.
I’m not saying that walking by faith always results in good outcomes, or the way I want them to, but I am saying that whenever I trust God, I grow. And yes, ultimately, in his timing and in his ways, things seem to turn out just fine.
This was beautiful and uplifting- just what I needed to hear today!