The difference between me and Moses, or any other admirable person no longer living here on earth, is that they are baked cakes and I am not.
One day my life will be finished. My cake will come out of the oven to be decorated and displayed; a completed project. Until then I have what they no longer have — opportunities for growth and adventures.
I can also decide to not push it. I can fold my hands and nap it all away. That’s always an option. Always a temptation.
As I look around me both at this planet and beyond, I find there to be an interesting connection, at least in my mind, between the stars and humanity. As I look at both, the massive numbers involved, I feel incredibly small and insignificant. What is my life compared with Moses, David, Daniel, and Paul? My cake in comparison is just the smallest of crumbs. What’s the point?
And yet . . .
I am offered a peace beyond all peace and a joy beyond all joy and a hope beyond all hope.
I have the potential to still have the best life ever lived. I just have to decide to accept the invitation.
And it will begin when I stop comparing and start participating.
Participating in what?
In the dance at the still point of this turning world.
Here’s a math equation: You (0.00001 - or less) + God (infinity) = A life beyond your wildest expectations.
He’s calling you to step out of the boat.