We can look at words that are misspelled or sentences that are poorly structured and still extract their meaning. In fact, sometimes this is fun to do.
Ruo rbinas rea zmaagni.
R brns r mzing. W cn lk t wrds tht r mssplld r sntncs tht r prly strctrd nd stll extrct thr mning.
Isn’t this just like life?
We ourselves are often misspelled grammar weak sentences attempting to communicate to others in the same bote. It is impossible to truly live without revealing to the world our weaknesses along with our strengths. To do otherwise is to be seen by other decoder brains as a phony. We might as well cellerybrate the fact.
We aren’t, by a long shot perfect (praise God), and if we think we are, this is the strongest proof we are knot.
One of the greatest gifts in life is KINDNESS.
It is the capacity to accept others well with grace and openness. To me, this is the gravity that draws people together, not by force, but in gentleness (my personal answer to yesterday’s cliff-hanger question, although I liked the answers others put forth as well).
Kindness is a caring look, a smile, a hug, a word of encouragement when you, yourself, may feel down.
It is an act of courage to be kind when the world is mean.
It is an act of love to be kind, when the world wants to separate, divide, and cause us to hate one another.
And have you noticed? It is impossible to be kind and selfish at the same time.
Thank you, to all my kind readers. Keep encouraging and correcting my misteaks. I love it. It’s really just a part of the conversation. It is living life together unpretentiously (that word cracks me up — think about it).
As we head into Thanksgiving and the whole holiday season, know that you all are on my heart as some of my kindest friends. Thank you for your encouraging words and notes and yes, even corrections.
Your family and friends are blessed to have you in their lives.
Never forget this.
Knaht uyo Ebn for the always thoughtful insights into us messy people.
What an amazing world we would have if just a handful of people would "pay it forward" every day.