I found you beyond the ‘why’. Far from the ‘why not’. Worlds from the ‘why me’. You held a space for me beyond answers to questions my pain had as if you knew information was never going to heal or resolve or fix my suffering. Instead, you agreed to wrestle through many nights. Never letting go. Always with me just like you promised. Refusing to surrender I eventually realized that wrestling with God was not a crime. That I was, in fact, being held. Being healed. Being transformed by finding you beyond answers. Being blessed by holding on to you in my doubt and frustration and never letting go. And you never let go. And you overcame me in the end. And we both won.
‘The Wrestle’
by David Tensen
Aug ‘19
This poem appears in the book of the same name. Get it here
Gen 32:22-29
There is something our suffering needs from God more than answers. Companionship - That he will never leave nor forsake us. Later, when all is calm, the tears will be dried and every confusion gently resolved. That’s the promise.