Let’s begin with a very famous verse John 3:16. Many in Christian circles can rattle this of from memory.
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.
This passage talks about the world, but that’s the English word.
The original Greek word is κόσμος.
This is the word Kosmos.
God loved the Cosmos, the entire creation with its stars and galaxies all the way down to every atomic element. Not as an abstract form of art but because it is all necessary for God to achieve his purpose. And what is his purpose?
To answer this question: Who is God?
Is he love or is he evil?
It is the cosmic battle as to the true nature of God.
Should he be despised or worshiped?
There is one who rebelled whose name is Satan. This Cosmos was created as the battlefield to play out the nature of God against the nature of this usurper who hates him. This war is being fought in a way where God retains his holiness. This means God will operate in truth and love while Satan will operate with deceit and the willingness to destroy his creation. This is this evil angel’s corrupt nature.
Mankind was created to answer this question about the nature of God. The drama is being played out here, on this earth, and each member of humanity is involved. Every stillborn or aborted child, every Moses and Aaron, every Job and Samson, Lincoln and slave has a role to play. We come in and go out of this cosmic battle as God predestined.
You see, man could not exist if he were not preceded by the life cycles of massive stars that created all the elements necessary for his biochemistry to function correctly. He could not be created unless the world was first set in its perfect orbit to permit the right temperature, atmosphere, and amount of water. To exist he first needed the right balance of plants and trees and other living animals all the way down to bacteria and viruses.
The entire Cosmos as we have it right now was necessary for man to live and operate. This means God had to create electromagnetic energy, gravity, thermodynamics, along with strong and weak nuclear forces. And all of this is created to operate within time.
God is outside of all of this. He sees the end from before it’s beginning and he is present in all of it. This means he is as present with you as he is with billions of other people all at the same time and throughout time. No one who has ever lived has been forgotten. And I could go on. You are no accident.
And man is more than all of this physical stuff because he was the creature with the capacity to understand. He is imprinted in some mysterious way with God’s image. Without this level of understanding the choices he is given to make about following or rejecting God could not exist. Which brings us to the last part of the single verse we began with.
…that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.
For this verse to be true it means that this Cosmos as it exists, once it has satisfied God objective, will end.
Of course there is so much more we could present to show this but let me give you another single verse and then you can expand your reading, research, and prayers from here.
Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and the sea was no more.
Revelation 21:1 (ESV)
This Cosmos will be replaced. The laws governing this one will no longer be in operation. This is how you get a New Jerusalem in the shape of a cube and no more need for light to come from a sun like the one we orbit.
In Conclusion
The entire Cosmos was created in order for you to exist. You are no afterthought. Your life and what you do matters and there is a cloud of witnesses cheering you on.
Now go take on the day. Have courage. If you know Jesus, you have nothing to fear. The best is yet to come.
"For this is what the Lord says— he who created the heavens, he is God; he who fashioned and made the earth, he founded it; he did not create it to be empty, but formed it to be inhabited— he says: “I am the Lord, and there is no other"" Isaiah 45:18