The battle during the COVID lockdowns became the dilemma between protecting the vulnerable from a new unknown virus and freedom of speech and religion. At first it was reasonable to shut down a few weeks, but it didn’t stop. Life continued to become more isolating. And with loss of community came a rise in drug use and suicides — so much so that now we see that the rise in the death rate by things other than COVID-19 increased way past those saved by locking down and wearing masks.
This movie on the practical side looks in someways insane - until you realize two things. First, there are similarities with how this pandemic was used as an opportunity for leaders to assume power they were never given under the law. It’s a repeat of history in many ways. Secondly, the movements of God are never according to man’s plans.
If you seek discernment as part of your spiritual growth and you want to see evidence of how God moves when it looks the darkest, then you only have a few days left to see this in a few selected theaters near you.
0utstanding! I have seen this trailer several times. I really hope I can go!