Ever wonder what it might be like to encounter an Old Testament prophet? Elijah, for example. That he made his society uncomfortable is an understatement. Prepare to possibly be uncomfortable.
I’m in my late sixties and yet I have this crazy streak that tells me to reject what comforts me. This is because I know my tendency to want everything to be a certain way. This includes people. And because I know this about myself and recognize it not as a good thing but a blind spot, I think this gives me the ability to look past externals, stereotypes. I hope this is true of you as well. Also I hope you love younger generations even if they have a different fashion sense than we do.
Would I and the rapper Tom MacDonald be friends if we knew each other personally? I see no reason why not, but even if we weren’t best buds he has my respect. He is an artist and he is in a position to reach young people with a message in a way completely beyond my ability.
I think this might be true about his limited ability to connect with people in general in my age bracket without some sort of introduction like the one I am providing here. It’s really no different when I share my love of classical music with those who didn’t grow up listening to it, except as the background music tracts for really old cartoons.
So you aren’t into rap that much. No problem. It’s still an art form combining poetry and rhythm usually with a beat. Get past this if you can and listen to the words.
This song is about how easy it is to go along to get along and how this diminishes our lives which ultimately diminishes the health of society.
You can also google the words to really read and re-read and understand it all. The usual rap music is disgusting; this one has good lessons.
I am not a big fan of rap music but Ben this is awesome! I was impressed with how easy it was to understand and hear the words. It was so well done. It makes me curious about his backstory and I'd like to hear other things he has written.