True Love is the kind of love that cares for and about people, in spite of their annoying shortcomings — the ones just like mine.
Now I don’t want to beat this to death, but it is critical if we want to understand the meaning of life, to understand that love originates with God. In the beginning, love preceded creation and in everything you do through the day, love will come from God. As it was in the past, so it is now, and will ever be.
Imagine (and this won’t be difficult) that there are people who have not, for the most part, been well loved. You might know people like this. Their experiences with others who could and should have shown them kindness and gentleness, not because they deserved it (because the need begins at birth) but because the desire to love should have been established in the hearts of those others, was completely missing.
But why was it most likely missing?
Because they had not received or experienced it themselves. Sure, it might be due to a mental disorder, or some addiction, but in most cases it’s living in a love-absent environment.
Now, take these same people, hopefully still as children, but often as adults, and introduce them to a person or group who begin to love them unconditionally. What often happens is they become transformed and begin to love others mirroring now how they have finally experienced love themselves. Foolproof? No. Nothing is, but a good visual is water on a parched earth. It isn’t long before all sorts of flowers begin to bloom.