We spend so much precious time and energy trying to figure others out and it really gets us nowhere.
Let’s admit first that we don’t have the capability or capacity to comprehend the complexity of ourselves, let alone others. And this is the rub.
The most complicated person I will ever encounter isn’t even God, it is myself. Now I know that sounds crazy so let me explain.
Think how connected you are to the depth of your own emotions. And consider how vast your own memory banks are. They go back to your infancy somewhere and come all the way up to you reading this. But even though you live in all of this you don’t really understand it. Even things you hear yourself say at times are difficult for you to believe .
Here is something else that is important and true. To the extent you can see yourself through God’s eyes as someone he loves, will be the extent to which the behavior of other people will seem less important for to you to try and understand.