There are many ways to label our worlds. We do this to attempt to make sense of things.
Of late labels have become the point of attack, but the reason to do this ultimately is to change people’s behavior.
To have the ability to change someone’s behavior is to exert a type of power and authority. Let’s label this influence.
It would be nice to think that everyone wishes to exert positive influence on others for the other’s good, but unfortunately this isn’t the case. Influencers often see others as just numbers and their purpose is to grow their reach in order to monetize things. Obviously, this is a business model for social media influencers, but it works through classic businesses and advertising just as well. It also works in politics. Votes are power to get into office, and some, once in office, shift from caring about the people they represent and begin working more for special interests. This is because this is where the money really is.
Let’s now bring this back to the area of masculinity and femininity. These, as far as I can tell, are built into humans at the level of the genetic code. No argument that expression of the traits of each of us is influenced by our environment, but it starts in our genes.
In today’s world masculinity and femininity are in a blender. Neither on its own seems good enough anymore. They apparently are too toxic or weak to give their owners what they need to be happy.
But this is sold as a problem only for the masses.
The advocates can make a killing.
Think of the books, lectures, professorships, medical procedures, pharmaceuticals, clothing, restaurants, bars, and theaters all specializing in some aspect of this problem. There is money to be made taking a side and supporting one group against another. And you get to pick which side you want to represent.
I know this might sound cynical, but if it does, be careful that your opinion hasn’t been given to you by those who don’t want anyone to look too deeply into this problem from the business-model angle.
Here’s a tip. When someone tells you that your view sounds cynical, reply by saying, “I don’t particularly care how it sounds, I care whether or not it is correct.”
So now, let’s go back to some fundamental masculine and feminine concepts that have worked in all previous generations until now. The reason I think they have is because they fit with reality and not with what a few wish reality was.
Masculinity has to do with traits of males.
Femininity has to do with traits of females.
They were made to work together for the purpose of creating and raising healthy families.
As long as people obsess over thoughts about which one is better, or which one they really are, then its purpose is harmed.
This aligns with the ultimate objective of dictators and elitists who seek to destroy the family unit.
Why would anyone want to do this?
Because the family unit is the best environment for raising children on this planet. It provides them with what they need growing up including good representatives of masculinity and femininity working well together on their behalf. It also means that they don’t need outside influencers to tell them what to think. That’s why families are a problem for those who wish to rule over the masses. Families teach discipline, good manners, and thinking things through for themselves. Children with dysfunctional families or no families and no good adult role models will probably struggle more in school. Later in life they will struggle with developing and maintaining healthy relationships — especially if they have distorted ideas about masculinity and femininity. They are more likely to become involved in crime and experience poverty compared with those coming from strong loving families.
Of course, not all families have a father and mother, but if this is the case, they need them represented by grandparents, aunts and uncles, as well as good neighbors.
Most people, when it comes to discussions about masculinity and femininity are corralled into discussing how these things affect them as individuals.
This is the wrong perspective in my opinion.
Instead, the discussion should be around how to grow the healthiest and happiest children and enable them to do the same for their young ones when they become parents.
There is nothing toxic or weak about masculinity or femininity. They are gifts to each other and to the entire human race.
Great discourse Ben; and I totally agree. God created male & female, and He doesn’t make mistakes. Follow the power & money trails, and the reason we have such a cultural mess is obvious.