When caught lying some break down and others double down. And the more the double-downers refuse to admit error, a funny thing begins to happen. Uninformed bystanders will often come to the side of the gaslighters. They will blame the truth seekers as bigoted and heartless.
It is easily forgotten that living in a false narrative comes with a cost, a harm to the world, because it obscures what should be obvious in a fog of man-made uncertainty.
Try understanding and applying mathematics to important engineering problems in a world where two plus two is open to personal interpretation; where there is no such thing as mistakes; and no one is ever allowed to fail a test, even when they put no effort into studying beforehand. (See current education theory). This is how we end up with nicely dressed young Americans standing in a beautiful mall not being able to tell an interviewer what a continent is or what countries fought in the Revolutionary War and, most importantly, why.
[See yesterday’s post to see the video I reference here].