We want, wish, and constantly pray things will be different than they are, and this is good to a point.
To me the best word that describes this is desire.
The counterbalance is acceptance.
About Desire
If it was not for this continual longing nothing would change and the constant deterioration of our world would continue.
I know many who inhibit their desires and refuse to move away from the familiar.
Yes, there are fears of failure and fears of people we all battle, but there is also a deeper anger issue.
We can dismiss this low level rage and call it disappointment or sadness but come closer to the truth and usually the ember is white hot.
About Acceptance
What makes us and the rest of mankind so angry all the time is the inability to fix everything that’s wrong, especially those things not under our control.
The truth of the matter is we really want the control only a god would posses.
Why do you think there is such a fascination with comic book superheroes?
The problem with gaining more power over others is that it doesn’t improve us as people.
Rather, the iron fist rule of despots actually degrades their own humanity.
This makes it absolutely critical that the founding document of every country wishing to remain free, state at the outset, that the authority to govern is subservient to God.
Without this acknowledgment, which has nothing to do with believing any particular way about God, all men cannot really be seen as equal under the law.
So how do we find the balance between our desires and learning to accept the things we cannot control?
The Serenity Prayer is a good place to start.