It is assumed I should, by evidence of diplomas and certificates, understand completely every thought and topic especially when it comes to my own trained area of expertise.
This has never been, is not now, nor ever will be the case.
There is no finished science, no perfect art, and there are many reasons why.
For one thing, information continues to grow rapidly everywhere around the globe, all day, every day, and there is no possibility to ever catch up.
Another way to look at this information problem is to observe the finite size of the human brain and that most of the central nervous system is involved with keeping the body alive and not about processing abstract information. Stick all our human brains together through technology and it is still unfathomably impossible to even remotely understand how everything, including ourselves, works.
In one sense this justifies using artificial intelligence. The problem there is the same as in courts of law. Everyone is looking for the expert to crack the case. In this case the expert is a machine. And the problem with even sophisticated machines is we don’t know enough to control them.
So what do we need if it isn’t a room full of experts or supercomputers?
How about humble leaders?
These are leaders who understand clearly their strengths and weaknesses.
They aren’t the ones attempting to control everything. Instead these individuals know how to consult, cooperate where possible, communicate, convince, and courageously step to the front of the line when necessary to take the enemy’s slings and arrows.
Leaders should be educators, encouragers, and empowerers. They need to be willing to release aspects of control as others are trained and equipped to step in and up. Every good leader builds in their own eventual irrelevance. They understand that their contributions are always temporary and, hopefully, if the enterprise they have served outlasts them, they expect and encourage their own replacement when the time is right and as much for others as themselves.
I see leadership is a unique and relatively rare skill set. For example, it is fairly easy to talk about (like I’m doing here) and In fact, there exists an entire economy around the training of leaders through books and seminars. Every enterprise that mankind is involved with has leadership positions, but this is not the same as having leaders.
When I hear “leaders” & others who extol the “benefits” & potential of AI it reminds me of the Tower of Babel; and we know how that worked out. True leaders seek the good of those who follow them. “For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”
Mark 10:45
All good thoughts here. I came across a leader in 1986 and I’m still married to him. He still leads me in his present compromised condition by example. I’m so blessed. If only I could me more like him and less like me.