Try saying this often when saying goodbye to others.
“Have a great day — unless you have others plans.”
I think it’s a great line.
It’s funny, probably because it’s honest and startling.
When someone first said it to me, it caused me consider how I really wanted my day to go. Was I undermining a good outcome for the day I was living in right then?
Then I thought, “Who doesn’t want a great day?”
But what really constitutes a great day over a ho-hum or miserable one?
Admittedly for some, a great day is winning the lottery or resolving a contentious squabble.
I won’t argue these might make certain days feel great — but can a normal day also be great?
Is it possible for every unremarkable day to still be wonderful?
What has to change — even after admitting there is much about my circumstances I have no control over?
I think the answer is really very simple.
One of my biggest discoveries in life is how important it is to be continually and demonstratively grateful.
It is gratitude that tips my attitude toward the positive even in the midst of the greatest problems and concerns.
And the maintenance of a positive attitude is critical to being able to endure even the most difficult tasks until they have been successfully accomplished.
Boiling It Down
I work on being grateful
— which then improves my attitude and outlook
— which then gives me the endurance I need to hang in there
— even when things are tough.