Awhile back I posted Trust Us. (Link below).
It was about the suffering of Job and in that post I said that part of healing actually involves talking, even yelling, to God your pain and confusion. I then recommended people read the story of Job (even an initial Cliff Notes version might do at first).
Last night I had a conversation with very dear friends and they played me the song below. It is essentially God’s answer to Job.
Because we are in such a time of uncertainty with real wars and rumors of wars, I decided to post this next instead of what I originally planned.
To the one who believes in The God of Creation, there can be confidence, even in times of chaos and confusion, that everything, in the end (which may not be in this lifetime for some) will be put right. It is a promise.
Now we don’t have to believe it.
That is our choice, but life is more peaceful and manageable for those who will.
What a beautiful song with such profound words. It draws us to the Still Point that we too might hear the answer. Thank you for choosing this to start our week.
And He keeps his promises!