It’s part of self-preservation at times to go against what deep down we believe true, good, pure, and right.
This is especially true when we are younger, when we have not lived long enough to see what happens when someone attempts to fool others into thinking they are more competent and skilled than they actually are. Sooner or later the truth comes out — in some cases even after someone dies thinking they got away with something.
My Observation Regarding Current Events
Personally, as I look back on what I thought was true about different institutions and leaders in this country as well as around the world, my mind has completely changed. Before, I would have called the person I have become a Conspiracy Nut. Now, looking at recent polling it appears I may be in the majority once again.
It seems to me that the best advice in attempting to understand what is going on around me with regards to leaders and institutions is to follow the money.
At the same time I want to get to the bottom of all areas of corruption, I am also aware in me, the tendency to not want to admit I was blind and in error to the extent I have been. The problem now is if any of us choose to not wake up and look at evidence we once scoffed at, we are possibly playing into an enemy’s hand. Yes, we have enemies.
At this point in current events, I have a sense that much of what I am telling you is not that new. However, I also believe the more sources you see that seem to align, the more it will increase your suspicions and desires to check things out yourself. Much news coming from once trusted media outlets is propaganda intended to push compliance. These are indeed interesting times.