It’s true, we do it all the time.
We change our minds on what to wear, which shoe to put on first, how to fix something.
But these are under-the-radar things.
For the most part we are probably the only ones aware or, for that matter, care that we changed our mind on the thousands of little insignificant things.
When it comes to publicly changing our minds on obvious and important things, it’s another matter.
There is more at stake when there are witnesses, especially those who have known us a long time and are glad to remind us what we used to think and do.
Here’s the Bottom Line.
It’s harder to unlearn than it is to learn, and it grows in difficulty the number of people who watch you go through the change.
Change isn’t easy and yet it is important to continually measure beliefs and behaviors against an ideal - and that ideal should not be based on other people’s opinions too closely, if at all.
And for strong beliefs, it shouldn’t matter what others think or believe, because we should have thought our positions through and simply believe them.
For weak opinions, it is best to not become too dogmatic because, theoretically at least, we should want to stay open to having our minds changed.
Trust in the LORD with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding.
Seek his will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take.
Don’t be impressed with your own wisdom. Instead, fear the LORD and turn away from evil.
Then you will have healing for your body and strength for your bones.