When my daughters were small and still able to be carried, they would become tired and want to take the rest of the walk in my arms.
Sometimes, I accommodated them, but often I would tell them, “You have miracle legs.”
Of course they didn’t like that answer at the time, but years later, because they were encouraged to use their agency, make decisions (at their level of intellectual development at the time) they grew stronger.
This is how we all gain confidence that we have what it takes to take on life.
This, of course, can be overblown, and we can decide to do stupid stuff, but eventually we hopefully learn to settle in and walk alongside God relying on his strength and wisdom, but also being his hands and, wait for it . . . feet.
Beautiful feet move to do good things in peoples lives.
They represent purposeful actions that follow a strong important decision.
How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him who brings good news,
who publishes peace,
who brings good news of happiness,
who publishes salvation,
who says to Zion, “Your God reigns.”