There has been a great deal of time spent analyzing the weaknesses of the family unit in places of higher learning. In fact, I would bet there are numerous researchers all over the world trying to figure out how to come up with something better than what they consider an antiquated idea.
Why do people think this way?
Just one reason I can think of.
They do not believe in God.
The family is God’s idea. His creation. But since they don’t believe in Him, they can’t believe that anything He might have created, including fathers, mothers, and children are anything particularly special. And because nothing in life is special, let alone sacred in the least, survival of the fittest makes complete sense — which means, those who have acquired enough power to pull it off have the right to direct the lives of others with impunity.
Okay, so they don’t believe in God. Why go after families minding their own business?
Because families don’t operate by survival of the fittest rules. They operate by protecting the weakest and raising children to become independent of authorities who do not value people they can’t use. Families raise children to become individuals who respect the rights of others and oppose tyranny, which obviously is intolerable to the tyrannically minded.
Families operate in an atmosphere, not of equity, equality, or fairness, but of love and mutual support. Fathers and mothers don’t act in the same ways. Children can tell the difference and benefit from the two blending their special gifts and strengths toward raising good kids.
Now let me turn the corner and ask the question: If we wanted to destroy the family, how would we do it? Add to the list if you can think of some not mentioned here.
Eliminate the idea of God.
Promote evolution as established science.
Attack the man and masculinity. Portray males as brutes.
Attack the woman and femininity. Portray females as airheads or objects.
Attack children and their God-given identities as boys and girls. Go against established science and cultural norms and tell them gender is fluid and they can decide for themselves if they are male, female, dog, or cat.
Distract everyone from learning anything useful. Instead addict all to images, sounds, and drugs both legal and illegal.
Encourage family members to go outside the family to find meaning. Don’t trust others except teachers and peers.
When men learn to not trust women, they will avoid marriage.
When women learn to not trust men, they will also avoid marriage.
When men and women do not form families based on marital exclusive commitments, then babies will become a problem. Best to abort.
Promote lawlessness. Abolish the police. Legalize deviancy. All of this damages the fabric of families.
When the family falls, society falls. When society falls, dictators and despots can then step in by force and fill the void.
How do we reverse this trend?
It begins by reestablishing our individual relationships with God (whether we know him well or not at all) followed by promoting everything that protects and improves family life.
This is excellent